Friday, October 17, 2008

Worcester Telegram and Gazette

Friday, October 17, 2008 Brookfields notebook

Karen Trainor (413) 436-5552

“We have restructured the business of making the fair work to the point that other groups are invested in the fair, with a lot of younger folk involved,” Mr. Peirce said. “With that type of structure, we would expect it to go forward for another 30 years.”

Proceeds from the Apple Country Fair are distributed to the local community through grants.

The results are in and Brookfield bakers nearly made it a clean sweep, taking home prize ribbons in all categories and divisions except one in the Apple Country Fair Pie Contest.

The annual contest attracts bakers from neighboring cities and towns, but this year, the locals brought their best efforts to the table and it paid off:

Adult Division: Jennifer Cipro of Brookfield, first; Ashlee Swanson of Brookfield, second; Tim Kane of Brookfield, third. Teen Division: Morgan Collette of Brookfield, first; Krista Janson of Acton, second. Youth Division: Camden Breuer of Brookfield, first; Chase Breuer of Brookfield, second; Spencer Cipro of Brookfield, third.

Even the single out-of-town winner has ties to Brookfield: Krista is the granddaughter of the Swanson family, famous for their award winning apple pies.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Apple Pies and Rapple tickets!

Apple Pies and
RAPPLE tickets....

meanwhile at Memorial Town Hall....

Friday, October 17, 2008 Brookfields notebook, Worcester Telegram and Gazette

Karen Trainor (413) 436-5552

Last weekend, seniors with roots in Brookfield took a sentimental journey back to their days at Brookfield High through yearbooks, photos, and lots of lively conversation.

“It was neat. For two days we just went back in time, and it was just great,” remarked resident Barbara Wilson, class of ‘51.

The Brookfield High School reunion brought former students near and far to town for a weekend that included an afternoon at the Apple Country Fair, a barbecue dinner, and a Sunday brunch. The event found graduates sharing stories, thumbing through yearbooks and viewing photos on display at Town Hall.

About 100 graduates of Brookfield High School attended the reunion, traveling from as far as Florida to socialize with their former classmates and celebrate their alma mater, according to Mrs. Wilson.

Brookfield High School, on Route 148 across from the Town Common, closed its doors in 1954 and was eventually razed.

Mrs. Wilson said the classmates plan to reunite in two years, in time for the Quaboag Plantation 350th anniversary celebration in 2010.

“We hope to get everyone together then. All of us are getting older and we would like to continue the reunions as long as we can,” she said.

Bob and Nancy Wilder meet and greet alumni from the Brookfield High School and display class photographs for the walk down memory lane....

Brookfield Police

Sgt. Chris Welsh and Selectman Rudy Heller enjoy a chat! Chief Ross Ackerman and Officer Matt Baird greeted citizens on the Common. What a GREAT DAY!

Friends of the Library

A special THANKS to William F. Lynch Co. Inc., Mechanical Contractors located at 50 Millbrook Street in Worcester and Christopher Cipro for the wonderful red aprons donated to the Friends of the Library--as you can see we all enjoyed wearing them!
Kelly and Jennifer selling the Appleific tee-shirts to benefit the Brookfield Elementary School students trip to Camp Bournedale
Ann Marie at the Friends sand art table

Friends of the Library

Megan heading to the Kids games with Hula Hoops...
Ricky in the Bounce House!

Karen and Diane at the Children Games on the Mall...

Engine 2

Kaylee and Max check out Engine 2

Cookies and kids at the Fair!

Moms enjoy the cookies as much as the kids....